Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Message to the Meat Packing Glitterati

"The attack on a school bus crossed the line... Whoever tries to hurt and murder children, his blood will be on his own head," Mr Netanyahu said.

In 2004 eight Israeli children and 179 Palestinian children were killed.


Networks reported on Israeli children's deaths at rates up to 13 times greater than Palestinian children's deaths. In reality, 22 times more Palestinian children were being killed than Israeli children.

"pervasive patterns of distortion" in which Israeli deaths were emphasized and Palestinian deaths largely unreported.

New evidence of Gaza child deaths -

Careful what you wish for Mr Netanyahu – it seems to me that you and your military are the major culprits in the child killing department. One reaps what one sows. When are you going to grow up and get real - killing begets killing. Please Mr genocidal moron - seek help. It seems all to real the notion that the children of the abused become the abusers.

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