Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Democracy Called Turklandia

Here in the land of endless Kebabs, and rivers of Humus, things seem to have moved into the land of farce, one side vs the other. All claiming some sort of Democratic high ground. Of course the reality is not one of the sides has a fucken clue about the first thing about democracy, that is unless democracy is all about shutting the opposing view up. Funny I always thought that each and everyone had a 'democratic right' to slag whoever they wanted to off, and that we the recipient's of this bile had to just roll with it and await our turn to likewise vomit our views on those who disagreed. But then this is Turkey and the army is close at hand to deal a swift blow to the chops of anyone attempting to exercise his or her, secular democratic rights. Of course the response to this from many of my hosts would be 'You just do not understand' and perhaps they are right, but something tells me that I likewise never want to understand.

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