Friday, November 30, 2007
And again
Mr Olmert is quoted saying in Haaretz newspaper.
Can it be spelt out any more clearly. So much for toleration and equality.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Is This What we really want to deal with ?
Ehud Olmert, Israel's prime minister, warned this week that it was unlikely that there could be a better Palestinian leadership -
Israel needed to take advantage of the opportunity to create a Palestinian state in order to maintain a Jewish majority in Israel and "avoid ending up like South Africa", he told the Knesset foreign affairs and defence committee.
Israel and Abbas agree to peace talks
Ian Black in Jerusalem
Saturday November 17, 2007
The Guardian
'Ending up like South Africa'
Perhaps he should have said how the natural order of things should be.
Dear Mr Olmert, you are an embarrassment to the word 'Just', you have shown yourself to be nothing but a raciest and bigot. You have been elected to your post and thus your electorate must either remove you or share in the poo you let loose. People suffered and fought for freedom from oppression to gain the chance to live in a country that was their birth right. You now deny and shame the very selfsame principals that your forefathers fought and suffered for themselves, Freedom.
Are you all not brothers under Heaven?
Your us vs them mentality will only serve to heap more blood upon more blood
Demographics change, the world is in a constant state of flux, and that is its beauty, You and the people who think like you make it an ugly place to live.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Forward to Redemption
Under the programme, terror suspects are transported to secret prisons in countries with less stringent interrogation rules.
Mr Hayden, speaking in Chicago, said the leads gained justified rendition.
"The irreplaceable nature of that intelligence is the sole reason why we have what I admit freely is a very controversial programme."
BBC News 31/10/07
Onwards and forwards that is the way to stop this maddness, teach by example
and so the world turns
Friday, August 17, 2007
This is Englandia. The cost of the developed world.
I suppose that complaints are part of the countryside now.
No worries I can muck in with the best of them.
One small step, one giant leap for a future that is
as undefined now as it was many moons ago when I set out on this cross country malarky.
As to whether I have stopped, No would have to be the response.
One only lays ones hat when one is at home, and that I fear is South of the equator.
The North is played out, north west that is at least.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Then Again
"Every person has a right to life and deserves respect and help, including one who - lost and scarred - has given into homosexual tendencies.
"The solution is to help those who suffer and to provide them with the cure that they expect us to deliver."
Polish MEP Witold Tomczak
A Democracy Called Turklandia
Here in the land of endless Kebabs, and rivers of Humus, things seem to have moved into the land of farce, one side vs the other. All claiming some sort of Democratic high ground. Of course the reality is not one of the sides has a fucken clue about the first thing about democracy, that is unless democracy is all about shutting the opposing view up. Funny I always thought that each and everyone had a 'democratic right' to slag whoever they wanted to off, and that we the recipient's of this bile had to just roll with it and await our turn to likewise vomit our views on those who disagreed. But then this is Turkey and the army is close at hand to deal a swift blow to the chops of anyone attempting to exercise his or her, secular democratic rights. Of course the response to this from many of my hosts would be 'You just do not understand' and perhaps they are right, but something tells me that I likewise never want to understand.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Das Capital
Here I am to pay homage to attempt to seek the center, to look into the eye.
Bums this is the point I turn my head and look over my shoulder to look at who is watching me write. In this place one has to be on ones guard. The silly becomes the serious and the serious becomes really silly.