Wednesday, May 2, 2012

You Have to be Joking

'The UN estimates that since the 1967 Middle East war, over 700,000 Palestinians have gone through detention in Israeli jails. There are currently about 4,500 Palestinians in Israeli prisons.' This has to be joke - because if it is not then seriously shame on the planet

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Message to the Meat Packing Glitterati

"The attack on a school bus crossed the line... Whoever tries to hurt and murder children, his blood will be on his own head," Mr Netanyahu said.

In 2004 eight Israeli children and 179 Palestinian children were killed.


Networks reported on Israeli children's deaths at rates up to 13 times greater than Palestinian children's deaths. In reality, 22 times more Palestinian children were being killed than Israeli children.

"pervasive patterns of distortion" in which Israeli deaths were emphasized and Palestinian deaths largely unreported.

New evidence of Gaza child deaths -

Careful what you wish for Mr Netanyahu – it seems to me that you and your military are the major culprits in the child killing department. One reaps what one sows. When are you going to grow up and get real - killing begets killing. Please Mr genocidal moron - seek help. It seems all to real the notion that the children of the abused become the abusers.

Friday, September 11, 2009

A spot of Wisdom

zakplata wrote:May 20, 2009 22:40

As I said before, everybody in Colombia knows that there is a well-paid campaing against Uribe financed by European NGOs, the colombian communist party, the leftist PDA party and FARC. There is a "cartel" dedicated to write comments against Uribe in newspapers and magazines around the world. But unfortunatelly for them, eveything he has been accused of has been proven as mere lies, (and believe me, with the Supreme Court against him that only means that there was nothing). Bottom line, 85% of colombians are not stupid, we support him because we know what he has done for our country's democracy,economy, prosperity and security.

May 20, 2009 22:40 Economist

""I have never voted in my life... I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it's certain they will win.""
— Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line

Well Celine was on to something

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Abused become the Abusers

"Once you extend the definition of combatant in the way that IDF is apparently doing, you begin to associate individuals who are only indirectly or peripherally involved… it becomes an open-ended definition, which undermines the very object and purpose of the rules that are intended to be applied."
Philippe Sands, Professor of International Law at University College London, says he is not aware of any Western democracy having taken so broad a definition.
The International Committee of the Red Cross - guardian of the Geneva Conventions on which international humanitarian law is based - defines a combatant as a person "directly engaged in hostilities".
But Israeli Defence Forces spokesman Benjamin Rutland told the BBC: "Our definition is that anyone who is involved with terrorism within Hamas is a valid target. This ranges from the strictly military institutions and includes the political institutions that provide the logistical funding and human resources for the terrorist arm."

"The difference in numbers in the Gaza war is stark - Palestinians say more than 500 Gazans have died in eight days, compared with 18 Israelis from rocket fire since 2001."

B’Tselem's Ms Montell (Israeli human rights group) describes the rocket fire as a "blatant war crime", she adds: "I certainly would not expect my government to act according to the standard Hamas has set for itself - we demand a higher standard."

bbc news12:29 GMT, Monday, 5 January 2009

Well - Just who is the criminal - does one really have to ask

Have the abused become the abusers ?

Friday, November 30, 2007

And again

"If the day comes when the two-state solution collapses, and we face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights, then, as soon as that happens, the State of Israel is finished,"

Mr Olmert is quoted saying in Haaretz newspaper.

Can it be spelt out any more clearly. So much for toleration and equality.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Is This What we really want to deal with ?

If ever the face of racism reared its ugly head so spectacularly.

Ehud Olmert, Israel's prime minister, warned this week that it was unlikely that there could be a better Palestinian leadership -
Israel needed to take advantage of the opportunity to create a Palestinian state in order to maintain a Jewish majority in Israel and "avoid ending up like South Africa", he told the Knesset foreign affairs and defence committee.

Israel and Abbas agree to peace talks
Ian Black in Jerusalem
Saturday November 17, 2007
The Guardian

'Ending up like South Africa'

Perhaps he should have said how the natural order of things should be.

Dear Mr Olmert, you are an embarrassment to the word 'Just', you have shown yourself to be nothing but a raciest and bigot. You have been elected to your post and thus your electorate must either remove you or share in the poo you let loose. People suffered and fought for freedom from oppression to gain the chance to live in a country that was their birth right. You now deny and shame the very selfsame principals that your forefathers fought and suffered for themselves, Freedom.

Are you all not brothers under Heaven?
Your us vs them mentality will only serve to heap more blood upon more blood
Demographics change, the world is in a constant state of flux, and that is its beauty, You and the people who think like you make it an ugly place to live.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Forward to Redemption

Head of the CIA Gen Hayden said programmes such as extraordinary rendition produced what he said was irreplaceable intelligence.

Under the programme, terror suspects are transported to secret prisons in countries with less stringent interrogation rules.

Mr Hayden, speaking in Chicago, said the leads gained justified rendition.

"The irreplaceable nature of that intelligence is the sole reason why we have what I admit freely is a very controversial programme."

BBC News 31/10/07

Onwards and forwards that is the way to stop this maddness, teach by example
and so the world turns